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FTB Ultimate World is corrupted Pls help



Hey everyone first of All im from germany so feel free to answer in german if you can. Now my problem is i have a world which is created from ftb ultimate 1.4.7 accidantaly i joined it without mods dont ask me why pls i Was in for a few seconds after i joined with mods again i saw that mod Blocks are still there but a few seconds after i joined my game crashed. I cant join it Anymore Important is that this world was on a server. My last Backup from this world is from 2 months ago. As i tried to load it it got corrupted too i dont know why because im 100% Sure i joined with mods and it was a completly other file which hat Nothing to do with the server i loaded it from. Please answer me this is a very important world with 5 years of work.

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Ah, habs


Es geht heute nicht, weil Halloween ist 😄

IC2 spawnt zu Halloween Special Mobs


at ic2.core.IC2.onLivingSpecialSpawn(IC2.java:2270)

Also morgen sollte es wieder gehen - oder (beim Server) in der server.properties



setzten. Also auf friedlich/keine Monster - dadurch spawnen keine Mobs und es sollte wieder gehen

Morgen kannst du die difficulty wieder auf den eigentlichen Wert setzen







bearbeitet von Bedrock
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