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hallo ich wollte einen fake Player programmieren aber ich bekomme es nicht hin ihn zur tablist hinzuzufühen kann mir jemand helfen ? hier der code den ich schon habe 

	public void addToTab() {
		PacketPlayOutPlayerInfo packet = new PacketPlayOutPlayerInfo();
		PacketPlayOutPlayerInfo.PlayerInfoData data = packet.new PlayerInfoData(gameprofile, 1, EnumGamemode.NOT_SET, CraftChatMessage.fromString(gameprofile.getName())[0]);
		List<PacketPlayOutPlayerInfo.PlayerInfoData> players = (List<PacketPlayOutPlayerInfo.PlayerInfoData>) getValue(packet, "b");
		setValue(packet, "a", PacketPlayOutPlayerInfo.EnumPlayerInfoAction.ADD_PLAYER);
		setValue(packet, "b", players);

also zumindest der tablist code die zeile 

List<PacketPlayOutPlayerInfo.PlayerInfoData> players = (List<PacketPlayOutPlayerInfo.PlayerInfoData>) getValue(packet, "b");

wird als falsch makiert

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