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EvoBattle.com - 50% OFF - 700GBPS Protected Game&Voice hosting

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Hello - this is EvoBattle - for our clients we carefully select our hardware. We invest only in the best quality processors, newest SSD drives, and fastest network connections. Game and Voice servers of our customers are based on the newest Xeon v3 processors and the best network cards. We provide a 99.99% uptime SLA around network, power and server availability. Our servers are located in our own DataCenters, so we have permanent access for technical defects and we are completely independent. All of our servers are provided with a 700Gbps Anti-DDoS Firewall! Our filters are specially customized to the services that we sell. Forget about problems with DDoS attacks. Our network infrastructure is capable of defending against even the most powerful attacks. We monitor network traffic 24/7 in case of any problems and respond promptly to any stability issues. In terms of network security, we are market leaders in Game Hosting. Unlimited Player Slots Unlimited CPU & Disk Space Full FTP Access MySQL Database included Advanced Free Support (plugins and modifications install) 10Gbps Low Latency Network with No Bandwidth Limitations Mod supported - all the basic engines (you can install own mods) 700Gbps DDoS Protection - our servers are awesome for Bungeecords.

50% Off CODE:EVOMC50<--- Minecraft plans! evobattle_offer.png


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