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Insgesamt 11 Bugfixes:

[*]MC-136 - Visueller Glitch beim ausfahrenden Kolben

[*]MC-2340 - Redstone torches and comparators schedule updates when they should not. Causing unreliable timings.

[*]MC-2416 - Suffocation/jittering/stuck when spawning in a newly created world

[*]MC-7094 - Minecraft crashes when dropping an anvil on certain blocks

[*]MC-7666 - "selectServer.editButton" in place of the server deletion confirmation button

[*]MC-8647 - Todesnachrichten sind nicht übersetzt

[*]MC-8775 - Minecraft stürzt ab wenn man eine Jukebox abbaut während in ihr eine Schallplatte liegt

[*]MC-8790 - Scoreboard Teams function does not accept @p or @r arguments

[*]MC-8797 - 8-level flat snow does not act like a snow block

[*]MC-8805 - Crash when leaving team after deleting it

[*]MC-8839 - Clicking done when editing sign crashes minecraft

Download: Minecraft Snapshot 13w05b

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