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Minecraft Plugin Developer Available for Exciting Projects!


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Hello folks,

I'm Furkan, a 17-year-old developer from germany with a passion for making Minecraft even more awesome. My journey began with Java, where I learned the ropes through tutorials and online communities. Over time, I expanded my skills to create not just Minecraft plugins but also Java-based desktop applications. You can explore some of my work on my GitHub and SpigotMC.

I've gained practical experience handling databases like MySQL and Redis, and I'm experienced at working with the SpigotAPI, including handling multithreading in plugins. I've also had the privilege of being part of various server networks, collaborating with talented developers. Additionally, I've worked on paid projects like "Crystal Clash" and "Disasters" for McEvolution, an American server network that's on the rise.

My passion drives me to constantly learn and take on new challenges. If you're in need of a dedicated Minecraft plugin developer, let's connect! Whether you're starting a fresh server or looking to improve an existing one, I'm here to lend a hand.

You can reach out to me on Discord (furkan.4554) or send me a message on SpigotMC.

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