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LLibrary Updates
"homepage": "",
"1.10.2": {
"1.7.4": "* Allow custom particles for Tabula baked models\n* Support transformations for Tabula baked models\n* If cuboid has a transparent texture, each face will be rendered both inward and outwards\n* Fix occasional jitter when rendering the LLibrary patron cube\n* Fix the LLibrary logger not printing formatted strings",
"1.7.5": "* Add support for Qubble JSON models\n* Fix baked tabula texture error on newer Forge versions\n* Deprecate update checker if favor of Forge checker",
"1.7.6": "* Implement fast-fail for untransformed RuntimePatchers\n* Implement more ASM patch predicates",
"1.7.7": "+ Add ItemTESRContext, allowing mods to retrieve context of an Item TESR such as perspective and NBT\n + View distance override event\n + ApplyRenderRotationsEvent, allowing mods to apply rotations to the player"
"1.11.2": {
"1.7.4": "* Allow custom particles for Tabula baked models\n* Support transformations for Tabula baked models\n* If cuboid has a transparent texture, each face will be rendered both inward and outwards\n* Fix occasional jitter when rendering the LLibrary patron cube\n* Fix the LLibrary logger not printing formatted strings",
"1.7.5": "* Add support for Qubble JSON models\n* Fix baked tabula texture error on newer Forge versions\n* Deprecate update checker if favor of Forge checker",
"1.7.6": "* Implement fast-fail for untransformed RuntimePatchers\n* Implement more ASM patch predicates",
"1.7.7": "+ Add ItemTESRContext, allowing mods to retrieve context of an Item TESR such as perspective and NBT\n + View distance override event\n + ApplyRenderRotationsEvent, allowing mods to apply rotations to the player"
"1.12": {
"1.7.6": "* Initial port to 1.12",
"1.7.7": "+ Add ItemTESRContext, allowing mods to retrieve context of an Item TESR such as perspective and NBT\n + View distance override event\n + ApplyRenderRotationsEvent, allowing mods to apply rotations to the player",
"1.7.8": "* Fix LLibrary patron effect being displayed incorrectly\n* Fix TabulaModel mirror not being set",
"1.7.9": "* Fix a crash when game profile id was null\n* Fix a crash with MineLittlePony due to replacement of arm renderers\n* Fix invalid logger formatting for the TabulaModelHelper\n+ Add dispose method to Element, called when the element is no longer used"
"1.12.1": {
"1.7.7": "* Initial port to 1.12.1",
"1.7.8": "* Fix LLibrary patron effect being displayed incorrectly\n* Fix TabulaModel mirror not being set",
"1.7.9": "* Fix a crash when game profile id was null\n* Fix a crash with MineLittlePony due to replacement of arm renderers\n* Fix invalid logger formatting for the TabulaModelHelper\n+ Add dispose method to Element, called when the element is no longer used"
"1.12.2": {
"1.7.7": "* Initial port to 1.12.2",
"1.7.8": "* Fix LLibrary patron effect being displayed incorrectly\n* Fix TabulaModel mirror not being set",
"1.7.9": "* Fix a crash when game profile id was null\n* Fix a crash with MineLittlePony due to replacement of arm renderers\n* Fix invalid logger formatting for the TabulaModelHelper\n+ Add dispose method to Element, called when the element is no longer used"
"promos": {
"1.10.2-latest": "1.7.7",
"1.10.2-recommended": "1.7.6",
"1.11.2-latest": "1.7.7",
"1.11.2-recommended": "1.7.7",
"1.12-latest": "1.7.9",
"1.12-recommended": "1.7.9",
"1.12.1-latest": "1.7.9",
"1.12.1-recommended": "1.7.9",
"1.12.2-latest": "1.7.9",
"1.12.2-recommended": "1.7.9"
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